Press Releases & White Papers
The End of “Sit & Git” PD: Powerful Professional Learning Communities Fueled by Blended, Personalized Content Collections
By Dr. Richard Vineyard & Dr. Jack McLaughlin PCG Education | March 2016
In the landscape of the 21st Century, education is global in its reach and personal in its impact. In order to meet the needs of students, teachers and the lifelong learners of our current generation, educational systems will need to effectively use technology to allow the learners to access content that is relevant and useful for the questions they are trying to investigate.
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“Build Your Own” – PCG Education and Pepper Introduce Digital Learning Services to Curate District-Owned Resources
By Michael Weinraub PCG Education | February 2016
PCG’s “Build Your Own” Digital Learning Solutions equip school districts and educational organizations with the resources they need to create and deliver powerful online and blended learning experiences for teachers. We leverage your existing materials, expertise, and vision to design and deliver interactive online learning that is personalized, cost-effective, and flexible.
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Next Generation Science in Support of Language Acquisition for All Students
By Dr. Richard Vineyard & Dr. Jack McLaughlin PCG Education | November 2015
Teaching science to every student, every day, will improve language learning while also increasing science content knowledge. This study makes the argument that including all students in science instruction will help all students, including English Language Learners, increase their abilities to understand and use language in general and their content knowledge and literacy in science. Learning language in the applied situations and real-world context of science, will help students remember and use both the language and information that they have learned.
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Common Sense Education and Public Consulting Group Partner to Offer Professional Learning Courses focused on Digital Citizenship
By Ryan Paiva PCG Education | August 2016
San Francisco, CA – To help educators teach their students how to use technology safely, respectfully, and responsibly, Common Sense Education and Public Consulting Group (PCG) have partnered to offer Digital Citizenship courses through Pepper, PCG's online professional learning network.
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Surfer Jack O’Neill’s Sea Odyssey and Pepper Join Forces to Support a Blended Educational Experience to Encourage the Protection and Preservation of Our Living Sea and Communities
By Sara Isenberg PCG Education | August 2016
Santa Cruz, CA – The non-profit O’Neill Sea Odyssey, an organization founded by wetsuit inventor and surfer Jack O’Neill, provides outdoor educational programs to teach students about science and the environment, using lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core. O’Neill Sea Odyssey and Pepper are working together to bring the living classroom to thousands of teachers across the country.
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